Purchase the Billionaire Bailout in Itunes
Bloggers & Writers Make Sure To Post This
Blazing New Single Called "Bright Lights Produced by Mdotmusic
NY Anthem Bright Lights produced by MdotMusic to hear more from @Co_dizzle check out the Billionaire Bailout on Itunes.
For All Interviews, Radio Station Drops, Show Info / Bookings, DJ Drops & Mixtape Drops
BIO Codell aka Codizzle is a skilled & talented Harlem born entrepreneur.Getting his start by selling the hottest custom sneakers to promoters, DJ's and recording artists, here he built relationships that would start his career in the music business. CoDizzle was invited to perform at many of these promotional events for young people. His versatile rhymes have kept his flow on the cutting edge for his audiences who embrace his music. Codizzle handles the stage with a smooth style like a drive in a Maybach. His mixtapes have the sweetest beats that have given him more exposure at festivals, youth organizations, open mics and college tours. Codizzle continues to add flavor to the freshness of his mixtapes. His vocal skills energizes people to get on the dance floor and has DJ's spinning his tracks at the clubs. Codizzle commands your attention with his freestyle lyrics and amazes you with his tough no holds barred words of a poet. He bridges the east coast, south & west coasts styles that leaves you always wanting more of Codizzle.
Commission of Independent Artists aka The Commission aka The C.I.A. is an organization for all genres, talents & ethnicities where we recognize that each artist is an individual and that all artists deserve the opportunity to succeed but often lack the tools (knowledge) to excel. With that in mind,
Commission of Independent Artists was born. With the intention to provide independent artists (Individual and groups alike) with a bridge between where they are and where they have potential to be via providing a central location (if located in the DC, Maryland, Virginia area or via online if not) for Indie Artists to congregate and fraternize to exchange positive ideas & feedback and receive a variety of opportunities ordinarily unknown to them.
Commission of Independent Artists is a network of media entities that submit opportunities for artists to utilize as a way of getting more exposure, experience, and education about the music industry locally and nationally. Our goal is to help the independent artist build a foundation to level the playing field with other independent artists. We show artists to become better at what they do and teach them to be a business and how to protect their 'product'.
A few amenities of what membership offers to the Independent Artist:
*Industry Conference Calls
*Listening Sessions
*Notification of Coming Events (conferences, open mics, tours, competitions)
*Assistance with Planning & Organization of Release Parties
*Project Review
*Referrals to:
* Producers * Graphic Designers * Printers * Web Designers * Singers * Songwriters * Management * Videographers * Photographers * DJ mixtape hosting * Distribution * EPK Writers * Engineers * Interview Opportunities * Recording Studios etc.
By definition: Commission - a select group of persons assigned to consider or take action on some matter Independent - not influenced or controlled by others in matters of opinion, conduct, etc.; thinking or acting for oneself: Artist - a person who works in one of the performing arts, as an actor, musician, or singer; a public performer: a mime artist
*Membership is $40 per month per artist individual (enroll before January 2011 to recieve a significant discount)
Please submit your inquiry of interest to SubmitToHoney@gmail.com
RULES / GUIDELINES:: In order for each member of a group to receive services of The CIA, each member of the group must enroll and receive a membership number. Thereafter, you will be acknowledged as a member of The CIA.
As a member of The CIA, you must agree to-
Protect your image, character, associations, business dealings & conduct business as such
Abide and honor the confidentiality agreement provided by The CIA
Be respectful of yourself, your peers, other members, service providers, etc
You MAY discontinue your membership with The CIA at anytime WITHOUT penalty of financial obligations HOWEVER, once you are no longer a member of The CIA, the benefits, preferential treatment and / or discount of services from our service providers may or may NOT be available to you.
You may also apply for membership again at a later date WITHOUT penalty
The CIA reserves the right to relieve you and / or your group as a whole at anytime if the guidelines in this agreement have not been met or have NOT been followed.
The Service Providers that are referred to The CIA members are NOT employees of Honey Management OR The CIA, they are independent service providers in which The CIA acknowledged to perform fair business practices, great work, expeditious services and / or willing to offer discounted rates for The CIA members exclusively.
The CIA membership does NOT assume the position of management, representation or its likeness. (The CIA can actually be utilized as a supplement to your current management.)
Guarantee any specific results or success of the artists career GRIEVANCES:: Any problems that may arise are solely between the service provider and The CIA member. However, if we can assist in the resolution of the disagreement/problem, by simply submitting the problem in a brief yet descriptive email, we will attempt to do so.
The CIAs success is strongly reliant on the professionalism of the Service Providers and if they are found guilty of not providing the services agreed upon, action will be taken to ensure the success of all parties involved.
FINAL MESSAGE: Any company to model the services of The Commission of Independent Artists can not guarentee the satisfction/success that we can. The Commssion of Independent Artists not only is a family, but our service providers grow as our clientelle grows. Why? Because we cosign and promote talented people and we all work together for a common goal. GOOD MUSIC.
This isn't your usual post of who's beefing with who. This is my own personal outlook on all the silly. childish ways of people I have come across as well as stories I have heard.
FIRST of all, if you have a problem with someone you need to really dig deep as to WHY. Is it a valid reason? Does it effect you or your lifestyle? If so, how so and were you the cause of this 'situation'? Can it effect you long term or was it a phuck up on your part OR did you simply get caught 'sleeping"on the job. If you can fix it, do so. If not, GET A PHUCKIN GRIP!
SECOND, don't spread gossip, rumors or heresay because one or more of many actions can happen... as follows:
The object of your 'problem' may find out; then what are you gonna do?or better yet, what will THEY do?
People may take you as childish and not want to work with you.
People may see you are WEAK and prey off of you (hmph, for whatever THAT is worth)
The list of outcomes may vary and may be dangerous to your health and /or your "profession".
But I ask the feable individuals who are the sorry azz gossip mongers,what is the reason you talk sh!t about people you idolize?... I mean have a problem with. What are you hoping to achieve besides an embarrassing public display of your worthlessness?... I mean a confrontation. If you can't handle the impact of what they do when they don't even know you exsist,how in the Sam Dickens could you handle a direct assault? Straight foolishness (I love that word)
Anyway, for those that have a problem with me, my associates, my associates neighbors, the store I brought my coffee from, my favorite color orange, the toilet paper I used most recently, or the oh-so-sweet taste of HONEY... (yeh, you're mad now ain't ya? LMAO) Blame your parents for making an individual such as yourself and seek therapy.
All other supporters of HM, HM Radio, The Commission of Independent Artists, The Hip Hop Cypher or any of my affiliates *dap* thanks, I see you and I appreciate you.
There’s a saying in the basketball world: You can’t teach height. In the stratosphere of entertainment, it’s star power that relegates education obsolete. It’s also what makes tomorrow such an inviting host for Massachusetts’ first hip-hop star, Amiyj (pronounced Ah-meej). With a fashion model look, consuming charisma, a flammable independent single (“Take A Picture”) and personal story worthy of cinematic attention, Amiyj is you and your significant other’s favorite new MC. Born in Worcester, Massachusetts to a Ghanaian father and Trinidadian mother who weren’t able to financially raise their son, young Amiyj was shipped to his grandparent’s home in Trinidad. With a minister for a grandfather and a Soca band leader for an uncle, Amiyj discovered an appreciation for words and music early on. This appreciation would mature into a passion once the destined MC returned to the U.S. as a youth and found what would remain his biggest love (until the birth of his daughter): hip-hop. “Yes my extremely diverse background immediately separates me from other rap artists,” says the 28-year-old. “But there’s so much more to my story that I have no choice but to stand apart from the pack.” His story does get deeper. While Amiyj’s parents were finally able to shelter and feed their son, they had no desire to keep him on par with the Jones’s. So by age 14, Amiyj fell into the all-too-familiar trappings of drug hustling. Never compromising his intelligence for commerce, Amiyj maintained his A-student status during the former part of the day and hit the block heavy for the latter. By the time Amiyj was able to send himself to Salem State College (Sociology major) he already had a rep as a local rap star, built on his articulate delivery and fortified by rock-solid relationships throughout the underworld. Throughout the New England area he would easily sell out shows, even becoming the first rapper to perform at the"The Tuckerman Hall" Massachusetts Symphony Orchestra. Unfortunately, after college, with mixtape sales and a Hollywood modeling contract unable to sustain his new title of Dad, Amiyj returned to hustling eventually landing him a drug charge in 2008. Fortunately an illegal search helped him avoid prison. Viewing his exoneration as a blessing, Amiyj teamed with Famish Enterprises and fully committed himself to his music. Now with “Take A Picture” catching fire from Boston to South Beach and his self-titled video grabbing the Internet’s attention, it’s looking like the son of two immigrants is finally ready to live his American dream. “How many rappers lived in a foreign country, have a criminal background, went to college, were signed to a major modeling agency and can make hit records with the best of em?”
Introducing RoQ'y TyRaiD! Hailing from So-Cal, Fresh-Coast USA and currently holding down Phoenix, AZ... this all-around West Coast artist is by far at the pinnacle of his class! All it takes is one song to know that the industry now has a true young lyricist and all around unique and complex artist for the next generation! Check out his current project "New Millennium Man Vol 1" which is slated to be the quintessential mixtape series of the decade and the start of an illustrious career for the budding artist. It is my deepest honor to share the video "Woosah".
Thank you DJ's all across the globe in advance for taking the reigns and steering the Hip-Hop masses back towards the direction of real music. Enjoy! And welcome to the audio revolution!!!!
Yesterday was great!
Not only was the owner of Immaculate You accomodating, but my PIC (Partner In Crime) Permiss a great host and DJ Bobby Steelz killing the turntables (as usual) but, the emcees came out, got on the mic not once, not twice, but THREE times because each round the rooms' intensity seemed to increase just a lil bit more. Unfortunately 4 hours passed quickly and we had to go, but everyone got a chance to exchange info and invite each other to shows and collabs.
I really want to say that regardless to the state of Hip Hop on a mainstream level, the 'Underground' Hip Hop scene may fade if people remain complacent, but CAN'T die if someone, anyone still believes and puts a plan into action to keep a lil blood flowing through the veins of the music that so many of us love.
Stay tuned for the footage (compliments of Street Smart Magazine) and for the Jersey Edition at the top of the year.
Hack Man Hank and Money Land Records Present: "In It To WIN It" Rap Battle
Do you think you have what it takes to win the grand cash prize?
Come down to 3720 Potee Street Baltimore, Maryland
Doors open at 8 p.m. battle starts at 9 p.m.
"Strictly Hip-Hop's" own Florida is your host; along with the cash prize the winner of the battle will also win radio rotation on Deep Flow Studios radio show and also a live webcam clip in the Deep Flow Studio.
For more information call 443 378 9144
*please come out and support the artists and be sure to tune in to "Strictly Hip Hop" Friday nights on DMV's 88.9 FM: midnight to 5am
I would like to introduce "Ming Leone", a beautiful person inside and out.
"Ming Leone" is interested in exposure through a variety of Small & Major Film & Video Projects. She is also interested in learning the Entertainment Business through working with other business-orientated people. Her long-term goals are to be a well respected and well known Actress/ Spokes Model/ Business Woman/ as well as a Mogul while touching most (if not all aspects) of the Entertainment Business.
With a keen knowledge of fashion and a good sense of hair-styling and make-up application, she is able to come to any project that she is assigned to "Camera Ready" at all times.
Height: 5’ 6
Hair Color: Black
Eyes: Brown
Dress size: 8
Ethnicity: African American/Asian
Appearances: Music Videos "Throw it in the Bag” (Featured) -Fabolous
“It’s my Time” (Featured) -Fabolous
"It's Alright” (Featured) -Aviv Geffen
"I Love My Money 'Remix' " (Lead) -Pryme
"Show It Off" (Lead) -Breed Promotional Modeling Philadelphia "76'ers" Model -October 2009
Denver “Nugget’s Model -December 2009 Training Freedom Theatre- Acting/Dance (2000-2005)
John Robert Powers- Modeling/ Etiquette (1998-2000)
Wilimina Theatre- Acting (1995-1997)
-----> For booking contact Kenny@PR_Franchize.com <-----
and follow her on twitter @MingLeone
TUNE in to her LIVE interview on Politic with Permiss www.WOLBBaltimore.com
Thursday, December 2nd, 2010 5pm
Lil Kim, Queen Bee... How can you NOT respect her?
This dope ass female emcee has been around since the 90's and regardless to the rumors and allegations of who wrote her lyrics, she sold hella albums and her fan base was insane! Yes, I was and still am a Lil Kim fan... ALL DAY. Understand my reason why: Kim came out when the business was rediculously flooded w/ male emcees and her music stood toe to toe w/ them. She was the voice of females who knew the streets, were the streets, ran the streets and were nothing to play with. She had sex appeal and her image was that of her own. Yes, some say Kim mocked Marilyn Monroe's "style" but Kim never denied the comparison. Nicki, however, fails to see an uncanny likeness to Kim image 10 years before her time. Now don't get me wrong, I don't hate Nicki. I give her props for seizing the opportunity to become a success at what she does but, the same people you see going up... you see coming down.
In my opinion, I really don't give a f@ck, who dresses like who or who is copying who's style because at the end of the day, Nicki's mgmt put her up to dressing like that. Why do I say that? Because she's wasn't rockin pink hair on the streets of Queens before she had music on the radio. Now what I DO care about is giving Kim the respect she deserves for paving the way as a female emcee... PERIOD. I think Nicki is being catty and childish for even letting this drag on this long. I'm glad Lil Kim DUG IN NICKI's ASS in the "Black Friday" song (see video) and I'm glad she dropped it on HOT 97 and I hope she does it again and again; just because Nicki needs to be force fed all the bars Kim has for her until she simply says thank you.
Let's reflect this, do you think Luda would have a problem thanking Kool Herc? Do you think Nas would have a problem thanking Big Daddy Kane? NO. It's protocol in any business you are in to say thank you to those that have passed the torch to you. It just is what it is.
Now, for all you grown ass men and women who are proud to call yourselves... Ken and Barbies <--(WTF???)still looking for role models read below and tell me REGARDLESS of all this "swagger jacking" nonsense does Kim deserve to be appreciated for her strides and accomplishments. After all, Nicki is just starting, Kim has already been there, done that.
Grammy Awards
1997: Best Rap Performance by a Duo or Group for "Ladies Night (Not Tonight remix)" (with Missy Elliott, Lisa "Left Eye" Lopes, Da Brat, and Angie Martinez) (nominated)
2002: Best Pop Collaboration with Vocals for "Lady Marmalade" (WINNER)
2003: Best Female Rap Solo Performance for "Came Back for You" (nominated)
2003: Best Pop Collaboration with Vocals for "Can't Hold Us Down" (with Christina Aguilera) (nominated)
2003: Best Rap Performance by a Duo or Group for "Magic Stick" (with 50 Cent) (nominated)
2008: Best Rap/Sung Collaboration for "Let It Go" (with Keyshia Cole & Missy Elliott, ) (nominated)
MTV Video Music Awards
1998: Viewer's Choice for "All About The Benjamins" (with P. Diddy and others)
2001: Video of the Year for "Lady Marmalade"
2001: Best Video from a Film for "Lady Marmalade"
My VH1 Awards
2001: Favorite Video ("Lady Marmalade")
2001: Is It Hot In Here Or Is It Just My Video? ("Lady Marmalade")
Soul Train Lady of Soul Awards
1997: Best Video by a Female - Rap/R&B ("Crush On You")
1999: Best Video by a Female - Rap/R&B ("Not Tonight (remix)")
Source Awards
2003: Female Artist of the Year
2003: Female Single of the Year "The Jumpoff"
Teen Choice Awards
2001: Choice Song of the Summer ("Lady Marmalade")
MOBO Awards
2003: Most Stylish Artist of the Year
Radio Music Awards
2001: Song of the Year Top 40 Pop Radio-"Lady Marmalade"
TMF Awards-Belgium
2001: Video of The Year-"Lady Marmalade"
TMF Awards-Netherlands
2001: Video of The Year-"Lady Marmalade"
ALMA Awards
2002: Outstanding Song- Motion Picture Soundtrack "Lady Marmalade"
ASCAP Music Awards
2002: Song of the Year-"Lady Marmalade"
MTV Japan Awards
2002: Best Choreography "Lady Marmalade"
MVPA Video Awards
2002: Best Styling In A Video-"Lady Marmalade"
VIBE Awards
2005: Album of the Year The Naked Truth (nominated)
BET Awards
2006: Best Female Hip-Hop Artist (nominated)
2008: Best Song "Let It Go" (nominated)
2010: Best Female Hip-Hop Artist (nominated)
American Music Awards
2003: Best Female Hip-Hop Artist
2005: Best Female Hip-Hop Artist (nominated)
I feel a lil better now that I have said my peace.
Brooklyn stand up... and real fans of hip hop follow Lil Kim on twitter...
Good Morning people! Yesterday was Thanksgiving and I hope you all enjoyed yourselves. One thing I noticed yesterday morning is the excessive traffic of spiritual blessings and by night fall, people were just as vulgar, horny and as obnoxious as could be. All I can do is smh because I take people as serious as the words they speak/type. So if you are prone to posting scriptures in the morning and by midday your posting that you "are too 'big' for the toilet" because you "touched the water a lil bit" and by night fall you asking "who got smoke" Im not gonna reach out to you, take you seriously or ever listen to your project.
In the midst of the social network holiday exchange of pleasantries, I saw a few people taking the opportunity to reach out to people regardless of it being a holiday. That, to me, was a good look. WHY? Because they weren't soliciting "Yo, I got this hot new CD on CD Baby" or "Come to the flyest Industry Party on the east coast", they were actually communicating w/ people and building relationships *KUDOS* if that was you. I also had a few DJs reach out to be on my #IndieMusic Distribution list (which is a select few per week), I thank the DJs for that.
That brings up to today, Black Friday and although the sales are fantastic, I refuse to go out in that foolishness <--(inside joke) So I am here, typing to you all and answering a flood of emails and The Commission inquiries. Dag, I did say we would discuss The Commission, didn't I? Well, in the meantime, its on www.HoneyManagement.NET and if you gimmie a few hours to take care of a few things, I'll get back to you all a lil bit later.
Heyyyyyyy people,
Thanks for logging in to my blog, 'ppreciate ya! I want y'all to log on tonight at 7pm to www.HoneyManagment.net and tune into HM Radio (on the left hand side) for some of the HOTTEST #IndieMusic from all across the country. Tonight at 7pm I am also introducing a segment dedicated to spotlight producer tracks that have been submitted to me over the past week or so. It's called "Try it BEFORE you buy it" and the good thing about my segment is you are already tuned in at 7pm, so the tracks will just flow... at 7pm (annoyed yet? lmao)
So for all you artists and producers who have seen my claims online to be about helping the Indie artists... I stand behind my word.
Check THIS hot sh!t out http://usershare.net/a0v26zsss36o a FREE mixtape, from Indie artists, tracked out, promoted and guess how much??? NOTHING, FREE, BUPKISS, NADA, NUNCA. Why? Because they took the initiative to find GOOD beats, write conscious lyrics, follow the structure of song composition, had it mixed/mastered PROPERLY and actually sent it to me PROPERLY LABELED in mp3 format to SubmitToHoney@gmail.com. Not everyone in business is a wolf in sheeps clothing.
Now don't get it twisted, everything I do isn't free, but from time to time it won't hurt to help someone... just because.
Anyhoo, now it's time for a word from my man, fiddy grand, my voice of reason when these FB rejects irritate the hell out of me with their sob stories and false delusions of... whatEVER. (DRUMROLL)
(Click this -->)Brooklyn's Finest DJ Smoove: "
...tomorrow after the usual feed the homeless flow I will be going in on the ones and 2's from 10am until 5 pm. So while your getting the grub ready log on to www.ustream.tv/channel/djsmoove-going-in just make sure the macaroni's not soggy, the peas all mushed and the chicken taste like wood...lol #oldschool
I will be going in with Hip-Hop, R n B, Reggae, Club, House, break beats, old school, new school and exclusives featuring my dude @ragazinosr , Staten Islands own Class Act (shout out to @pwillzNyc log on and vote http://bit.ly/aDRNay ) Remixes by my man @tedsmooth and myself.
Its gonna be a movie, so log on and if you have the software record because you'll never hear another DJ with my flow...other DJ's can only rock one lane #pushbuttonDJ's (yeah I'm talking to you☞) but I've been going in since dudes were plugging into light poles at P.S. Whatever!
Again I'm going live 10am-5pm log online www.ustream.tv/channel/djsmoove-going-in (click this link) make sure you log into the chat for all requests and shout outs
All new artist, producers and labels check out my Dbl R fam at www.ruffryders.com/indy we have fire on deck to assist you and guide you thru a room full of vultures
Hit me up if I have your tracks and u want them played (on twitter @bklynsdjsmoove) LET'S GO!!! "
Now... I'm about to get up outta here and see what twitter is up to, listen to some tracks and prep food for manana. I'll probably be back later, BUT TUNE IN TONIGHT 7PM... Indie tracks. Producer beats and ME!!
Today I had a friend / business associate call me with terrible frustration about finding talented artists for project due to 1) TOTAL lack of talent 2) what seems to be similar to (if not so) being tone deaf 3) rhymically challenged. In other words, some of these rappers are being misled into a career path they should NOT travel. So I told him to take a look through my email for material and fortunately he was able to find great talent floating around in my email inbox.
MORAL OF THE STORY? There really isnt one, I just wanted to vent about some of the terrible music people submit.
But I do have a question... How... Why... Who... ummm, how do I say this.... (jeopardy music playing) ok, I got it. How does a rapper get from writing a rhyme, recording it, having it mixed/mastered, and then actually submitting to to people without SOMEONE telling them that its worse than having a brand new car w/ a Bose system and no speakers... IT SUCKS AND IS POINTLESS!!!! Why doesnt someone say "Nah, why dont you try something different" I'm not saying crush their dreams, but dammit why should people such as my collegue and myself go through the torture of listening to their music and then be forced to push them into counseling suggesting some form of music therapy?
And lastly, WHO is supposed to pick up the pieces once this rapper has been enlightened???? (shameless plug is coming) The Commission of Independent Artists!!!
Awww, c'mon, I'm not gonna belly ache about a problem and NOT have an answer... that would be a waste of time... smh at you silly readers.
Go to my site www.HoneyManagement.NET (<-click this to go there) and check out what The Commission is about and tomorrow I will go into depth about why artists can enhance and prosper from my knowledge, network, passion for music a willingness to help others can help #IndieMusic become the NEW MAJOR
Today marks the day that I put out my 1st volume of HM Radio volume 1 http://usershare.net/a0v26zsss36o (salute to www.SNN101.com)and I am oh so very excited! I can't wait to hear the artists' response when they hear the talent of the fellow artists on the project as well... I'm telling you, when I listen to it in my truck; from beginning to end I keep cranking it up... uP...Up...UP!!!
I also have to give HUGE shout out to Street Legal Studio (my office/home away from home) 2116 North Charles Street Baltimore,MD where I do everything music, my mix downs, mastering, duplication, thermal printing... you name it! Love ya Mark!
I ALSO have to give a shout out to everyone downloading HM Radio vol. 1, please feel free to give me feedback and please forward positive accolades to the artists & dope producers, I think they deserve it!
Maybe I'll hit y'all a lil later and tell you what happened last night.
#ShoutOut Dj Whitey and Will of Distinguished Men Entertainment Group
Tonight show on HM Radio was good! Despite the technical difficulties, my PD picked up the ball and we ran to the homerun! Just kidding, touchdown.
During my show, I decided to play some producer tracks, just to let artists know what was out there and it was a success! I got inbox messages asking how can they hear more tracks! (YES!!! NETWORKING!!) So, I have decided to add a segment to HM Radio called "Try it BEFORE you buy it". I like the sound of that myself (Kanye shrug)
Anyhoo, Im about to take it down for the eve, I have a studio session to sit in on, on Friday, host vocals for a mixtape and HM Radio's (first of many) mixtape that drops this weekend, so I have a lot to do.
Indies, always ask if you dont know, and DONT take your homeboys advice on your music... they will lie as not to hurt your feelings. SHAMELESS plug, send it to me and I'll tell you the truth!
Hey everyone, thanks for stopping by. Im gonna jump straight into the good stuff and let you all know that Permiss (of Grind Hard Radio www.DaBeat1650am.com) and myself will be taking The Hip Hop Cypher
*DC edition*
December 4th 2pm-5pm
Immaculate You
4407 Southern Avenue
Capitol Heights,MD
LIVE on @WarriorDJs TV and no FEE to come and spit. I only ask 2 things of you; 1)that you bring your 'A' game with you and 2)leave your over inflated egos at home.
Today, I was a little under the weather and took the opportunity to review music --BLANK STARE-- Some of the submissions were TRASH. I mean NO rhythm, NO concept, production was HORRIBLE. If you think I'm being mean, please know that I forwarded it to another emcee, (although he's wayyyyyyy better)who laughed his ass off and a producer/CEO who called me and cursed me out for interupting his day with such rubbish. So I ask you, how dont these 'emcees' know that it's bad? Are they tone deaf? Are they sevants? (sp?) Inquiring minds wanna know.
I would like to incorporate more models on my site, so if you know any ladies looking for exposure, tell them to email pictures and contact info to me so I can put it up. SUBMITTOHONEY@GMAIL.COM
That's all I got for now. Never stop working at your craft and smile at someone who could use a pick me up.